A. Monografie
- M. Krzyśko, W. Wołyński, T. Górecki, M. Skorzybut (2008). Systemy uczące się – rozpoznawanie wzorców, analiza skupień i redukcja wymiarowości. WNT, Warszawa.
- T. Górecki (2011). Podstawy statystyki z przykładami w R. BTC, Legionowo.
- E. Łaźniewska, T. Górecki, R. Chmielewski (2011). Konwergencja regionalna. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu.
- E. Łaźniewska, J. Kurowska-Pysz, T. Górecki, K. Prytula, K. Plac (2024). War Refugees and the Labour Market. Taylor & Francis Group/Routledge, Londyn.
B. Prace naukowe
- Piorunek, M., Chirkowska-Smolak, T., Górecki, T., Garbacik, Ż. (2024). Person-Centered Insights into Academic Burnout. New Educational Review 78(4):67-80.
- Łaźniewska, E., Górecki, T., Kurowska-Pysz, J., Prytula, K., Plac, K. (2024). Resilience of the Polish labour market in regions bordering Ukraine in the context of the inflow of war refugees from Ukraine. Wiadomości statystyczne. The Polish Statistician 69(12):1-15.
- Grzelak, B., Górecki, T., Dyczkowski, K. (2024). Team Strengths via Bayesian Modeling. 4th International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), Male, Maldives, 01-07.
- Bartkowiak, M., Cyplik, P., Górecki, T., Koralewski, A. (2024). Innovative Sales Forecasting: Utilizing Fuzzy Neural Networks for Enhanced Sales Prediction. In B. Marcinkowski, A. Przybylek, A. Jarzębowicz, N. Iivari, E. Insfran, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Harnessing Opportunities: Reshaping ISD in the post-COVID-19 and Generative AI Era (ISD2024 Proceedings). Gdańsk, Poland.
- Zaręba, M., Piłka, T., Górecki, T., Grzelak, B., Dyczkowski, K. (2024). Improving The Evaluation of Defensive Player Values with Advanced Machine Learning Techniques. In B. Marcinkowski, A. Przybylek, A. Jarzębowicz, N. Iivari, E. Insfran, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Harnessing Opportunities: Reshaping ISD in the post-COVID-19 and Generative AI Era (ISD2024 Proceedings). Gdańsk, Poland.
- K. Dyczkowski, B. Grzelak, T. Górecki, T. Piłka, A. Sadurska, B. Pękala, A.L. Owen (2024). Sensor-Based Injury Prediction in Football Using a New Interval-Valued Fuzzy Inference Library. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Yokohama, Japan, 1-8. (Core B)
- R. Kwieciński, T. Górecki, A. Filipowska, V. Dubrov, V. (2024). Job Recommendations: Benchmarking of Collaborative Filtering Methods for Classifieds. Electronics 13(15) 3049. (2023: IF: – 2.600)
- T. Górecki, M. Łuczak, P. Piasecki (2024). An exhaustive comparison of distance measures in the classification of time series with 1NN method. Journal of Computational Science 76 (102235). (2023: IF: – 3.100)
- E. Kowal-Wisniewska, K. Jaskiewicz, A. Bartochowska et al. (2024). Towards effectiveness of cell-free DNA based liquid biopsy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Scientific Reports 14(2251). (2023: IF – 3.800)
- T. Chirkowska-Smolak, T. Górecki, M. Klakus, W. Metzger, M. Szargan (2023). The factorial validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory: Student Survey (MBI-SS) in Poland. Polish Psychological Bulletin 54(3):207-216.
- E. Łaźniewska, K. Plac, T. Górecki, J. Rykowski. (2023). Time to Rethink Energy: An Initiative towards Renewable and Smart Energy. A Comparative Analysis of Poland and Germany and Conclusions for Cross-Border Cooperation and Improving Resilience. Barometr regionalny 19(2): 37-73.
- E. Łaźniewska, T. Górecki, J. Kurowska-Pysz, J. (2023). The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the resilience of the labour market in the Polish-German borderland. Eastern Journal of European Studies 14(2):178-199. (2022: IF – 0.600)
- T. Górecki, M. Łuczak, P. Piasecki (2023). Similarity Forest for Time Series Classification. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization: Classification and Data Science in the Digital Age 165-173.
- A. Sadurska, T. Piłka, B. Grzelak, T. Górecki, K. Dyczkowski, M. Zaręba (2023). Fusion of a Fuzzy Rule-Based Method and Other Decision-Making Models in Injury Prediction Problem in Football. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Incheon, Republic of Korea, 1-6. (Core B)
- S. Pioroński, T. Górecki (2023). Spotting Cyber Breaches in IoT Devices. Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki, D. Ślęzak (eds). ACSIS 35:1307-1310. (Multiconference)
- S. Pioroński, T. Górecki (2023). Predicting Player Performance in Tactical Games with the Lightgbm Algorithm. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW), Brisbane, Australia, 22-27. (Core A)
- T. Chirkowska-Smolak, M. Piorunek, T. Górecki, Ż. Garbacik, V. Drabik-Podgórna, A. Kławsiuć-Zduńczyk (2023). Academic Burnout of Polish Students: A Latent Profile Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20:4828.
- R. Kwieciński, G. Melniczak, T. Górecki (2023). Comparison of Real-Time and Batch Job Recommendations. IEEE Access 11:20553-20559. (2022: IF – 3.900)
- E. Dorr, J.K., Hawes, T. Górecki et al. (2023). Food production and resource use of urban farms and gardens: a five-country study. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 43(18). (2022: IF – 7.300)
- S. Pioroński, T. Górecki (2023). Using GAN to Generate Malicious Samples Suitable for Binary Classifier Training. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Osaka, Japan, 6522-6527. (Core B)
- G. Silska, T. Górecki, (2023). Fiber Content of the Flax Germplasm (Linum usitatissimum L.) Originating from Different Parts of the World. Journal of Natural Fibers 20(1):2164108. (2022: IF – 3.500)
- T. Piłka. B. Grzelak, A. Sadurska, T. Górecki, K. Dyczkowski (2023) Predicting Injuries in Football Based on Data Collected from GPS-Based Wearable Sensors. Sensors 23:1227. (2022: IF – 3.900)
- T. Piłka, B. Grzelak, A. Sadurska, T. Górecki, K. Dyczkowski (2022). Impact of changes in volumes of external training loads collected with wearable GPS sensors on the occurrence of injuries in football. Book of abstracts: the 19th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems (IPMU) / Boffa Stefania [i in.] (red.). Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca 39-40.
- G. Silska, T. Górecki (2022). Fiber Content in Stem and Fiber Yield in the Chosen Genetic Resources of Flax (Linum Usitatissimum L.). Journal of Natural Fibers 19(4):9693-9718. (2021: IF – 3.507)
- G. Silska, M. Mackiewicz-Talarczyk, T. Górecki (2022). Valorization and Analysis of Flax Traits in Selected Accessions of Diversified Origin from the Linum usitatissimum L. Genetic Resources Collection. Journal of Natural Fibers 19(17):15984-16004. (2021: IF – 3.507)
- M. Niewiarowicz, A. Wicher, A., Sęk, T. Górecki (2022). Speech intelligibility deterioration for normal hearing and hearing impaired patients with different types of tinnitus. Speech Communication (139):35-44. (2021: IF – 2.723)
- R. Kwieciński, T. Górecki, A. Filipowska (2022). Learning edge importance in bipartite graph-based recommendations. Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki, D. Ślęzak (eds). ACSIS 30: 227-233. (Core B)
- S. Pioroński, T. Górecki (2022). Using gradient boosting trees to predict the costs of forwarding contracts. Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems, M. Ganzha, L. Maciaszek, M. Paprzycki, D. Ślęzak (eds). ACSIS 30:421-424. (Core B)
- E. Łaźniewska, T. Górecki, K. Płac (2022). Regional labour markets as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic—A Polish-German Borderland Case Study. In: Jajuga, K., Dehnel, G., Walesiak, M. (eds) Modern Classification and Data Analysis. SKAD 2021. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Springer, Cham.
- E. Łaźniewska, I. Janicka, T. Górecki (2021). Kryteria oceny aktywności gmin przygranicznych w kierunku „green smart city”. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej (15):195-213.
- E. Łaźniewska, I. Janicka, T. Górecki (2021). Co-creation of the green smart city concept. Analysis of the maturity of municipalities in the Polish-German borderland region. TeMA. Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment 14(3):319-342.
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko, W. Wołyński (2021). Measuring and Testing Mutual Dependence for Functional Data. In: Chadjipadelis T., Lausen B., Markos A., Lee T.R., Montanari A., Nugent R. (eds) Data Analysis and Rationality in a Complex World. IFCS 2019. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Springer, Cham. 65-73.
- Ł. Borchmann, D. Jurkiewicz, F. Graliński, T. Górecki (2021). Dynamic Boundary Time Warping for sub-sequence matching with few examples. Expert Systems with Applications 169:114344. (2020: IF – 6.954)
- K. Włodarska, P. Piasecki, A. Lobo-Prieto, K. Pawlak-Lemańska, T. Górecki, E. Sikorska (2021). Rapid screening of apple juice quality using ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics: A comparative study. Microchemical Journal 164:106051. (2020: IF – 4.821)
- E. Łaźniewska, I. Janicka, T. Górecki (2021). Green Smart City as a New Paradigm of Local Development. Problemy ekorozwoju 16(2):125-136. (2020: IF – 0.859)
- E. Łaźniewska, I. Janicka, T. Górecki (2021). Aktywność ekologiczna gmin z perspektywy transgranicznej na przykładzie gmin pogranicza polsko-niemieckiego. Studia Regionalne i Lokalne 84(2).
- M. Bosiacki, L. Bednorz, K. Fedeńczak, T. Górecki, A. Mizgajski, L. Poniży, T. Spiżewski (2021). Soil Quality as a Key Factor in Producing Vegetables for Home Consumption—A Case Study of Urban Allotments in Gorzów Wielkopolski (Poland). Agronomy 11(9):1836. (2020: IF – 3.417)
- T. Górecki, L. Horváth, P. Kokoszka (2020). Tests of Normality of Functional Data. International Statistical Review 88(3):677-697. (2019: IF – 2.740)
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko, W. Wołyński (2020). Variable Selection for Classification of Multivariate Functional Data. In: Imaizumi T., Okada A., Miyamoto S., Sakaori F., Yamamoto Y., Vichi M. (eds) Advanced Studies in Classification and Data Science. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization. Springer, Singapore. 215-225.
- T. Górecki, M. Jakubus, M. Krzyśko, W. Wołyński (2020). Application of Distance Covariance in Selection of Nutrients During Dynamic Process of Sewage Sludge Conditioning with Bio-preparation. Waste and Biomass Valorization 11(8):4157-4166. (2019: IF – 2.851)
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko, W. Wołyński (2020). Independence test and canonical correlation analysis based on the alignment between kernel matrices for multivariate functional data. Artificial Intelligence Review 53(1):475-499. (2019: IF – 5.747)
- T. Górecki, P. Piasecki (2020). Generalization of the Procrustes coefficient to functional data. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation 49(3):808-816. (2019: IF – 0.651)
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko, W. Wołyński (2020). Generalized canonical correlation analysis for functional data. Biometrical Letters 57(1):1-12.
- T. Górecki, P. Piasecki (2019). RAndom Neural Networks (RANNs): a new general classifier inspired by Random Forest. Proceedings of PP-RAI’2019 68-72.
- E. Sikorska, K. Wójcicki, W. Kozak, A. Gliszczyńska-Świgło, I. Khmelinskii, T. Górecki, F. Caponio , V.M. Paradiso, C. Summo, A. Pasqualone (2019). Front-Face Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Quality Control of Cold-Pressed Rapeseed Oil During Storage. Foods 8(12):665. (2018: IF – 3.011)
- K. Włodarska, K. Pawlak-Lemańska, T. Górecki, E. Sikorska. (2019) Factors Influencing Consumers’ Perceptions of Food: A Study of Apple Juice Using Sensory and Visual Attention Methods. Foods 8:545. (2018: IF – 3.011)
- T. Górecki, P. Piasecki (2019). A Comprehensive Comparison of Distance Measures for Time Series Classification. Steland, A., Rafajłowicz, E., Okhrin, O. (eds.) Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 294:409-428.
- T. Górecki, Ł. Smaga (2019). fdANOVA: an R software package for analysis of variance for univariate and multivariate functional data. Computational Statistics 34(2):571-597. (2018: IF – 0.680)
- T. Górecki, M. Łuczak (2019). The influence of the Sakoe–Chiba band size on time series classification. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 36(1):527-539. (2018: IF – 1.637)
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko M., W. Wołyński (2019). Variable selection in multivariate functional data classification. Statistics in Transition 20(2):123-138.
- F. Graliński, A. Wróblewska, T. Stanisławek, K. Grabowski, T. Górecki (2019). GEval: Tool for Debugging NLP Datasets and Models. Proceedings of the 2019 ACL Workshop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP 254-262. (Core A*)
- T. Górecki, L. Horváth, P. Kokoszka (2018). Change point detection in heteroscedastic time series. Econometrics and Statistics 7:63-88.
- T. Górecki, S. Hörmann, L. Horváth, P. Kokoszka (2018). Testing normality of functional time series. Journal of Time Series Analysis 39(4):471-487. (2017: IF – 0.826)
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko, Ł. Waszak, W. Wołyński (2018). Selected statistical methods of data analysis for multivariate functional data. Statistical Papers, 59(1):153-182. (2017: IF – 1.024)
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko, W. Wołyński (2018). Dynamic dependence between infrastructure and market size in European countries, In: Babiak J., Kisiołek A., Iwańczuk-Kaliska A., Urbaniak K. (eds), Studies of economic and social processes. Selected aspects of contemporary economy, The Great Poland University of Social and Economics in Środa Wlkp. 105-122.
- T. Górecki (2018). Classification of time series using combination of DTW and LCSS dissimilarity measures. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation 47(1):263-276. (2017: IF – 0.501)
- T. Górecki, P. Piasecki (2018). An experimental evaluation of time series classification using various distance measures. Archives of Data Science, Series A 5(1):1-25.
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko, W. Wołyński (2017). Correlation analysis for multivariate functional data. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization:Data Science 243-258.
- T. Górecki, Ł. Smaga (2017). Multivariate analysis of variance for functional data. Journal of Applied Statistics 44(12): 2172-2189. (2016: IF – 0.664)
- K. Włodarska, K. Pawlak-Lemańska, T. Górecki, E. Sikorska (2017). Classification of commercial apple juices based on multivariate analysis of their chemical profiles. International Journal of Food Properties 20(8): 1773-1785. (2016: IF – 1.427)
- T. Górecki, M. Łuczak (2017). Stacked regression with a generalization of the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse. Statistics in Transition 18(3): 443-458.
- K. Włodarska, K. Pawlak-Lemańska, T. Górecki, E. Sikorska (2016). Perception of apple juice: a comparison of physicochemical measurements, descriptive analysis and consumer responses. Journal of Food Quality 39(4):351-361. (2015: IF – 0.755)
- T. Górecki, M. Łuczak (2016). Evolutionarily tuned generalized pseudo-inverse in linear discriminant analysis. Computing and Informatics 35(3):615-634. (2015: IF – 0.524)
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko, Ł. Waszak, W. Wołyński (2016). Multivariate functional regression analysis with application to classification problems. Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization: Analysis of Large and Complex Data 173-183.
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko., W. Ratajczak, W. Wołyński (2016). An extension of the classical distance correlation coefficient for multivariate functional data with applications. Statistics in Transition 17(3):449-466.
- K. Włodarska, K. Pawlak-Lemańska, T. Górecki, E. Sikorska (2015). Motywy wyboru żywności przez konsumentów – badania pilotażowe. Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development 4(38):839-847.
- T. Górecki, Ł. Smaga (2015). A comparison of tests for the one-way ANOVA problem for functional data. Computational Statistics 30(4):987-1010. (2014: IF – 0.403)
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko, W. Wołyński (2015). Classification problems based on regression models for multi-dimensional functional data. Statistics in Transition 16(1):97-110.
- T. Górecki (2015). Sequential combining in discriminant analysis. Journal of Applied Statistics 42(2):398-408. (2014: IF – 0.417)
- T. Górecki, M. Łuczak (2015). Multivariate time series classification with parametric derivative dynamic time warping. Expert Systems with Applications 42(5):2305-2312. (2014: IF – 2.240)
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko (2015). Regression methods for combining multiple classifiers. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation 44(3):739-755. (2014: IF – 0.325)
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko (2014). A learning algorithm combining functional discriminant coordinates and functional principal components. Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics 34(1-2):127-141.
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko, Ł. Waszak, W. Wołyński (2014). Methods of reducing dimension for functional data. Statistics in Transition 15(2):231-242.
- T. Górecki, M. Łuczak (2014). A variant of gravitational classification. Biometrical Letters 51(1):1-12.
- T. Górecki (2014). Using derivatives in a longest common subsequence dissimilarity measure for time series classification. Pattern Recognition Letters 45C:99-105. (2013: IF – 1.062)
- T. Górecki, M. Łuczak (2014). Non-isometric transforms in time series classification using DTW. Knowledge-Based Systems 61:98-108. (2013: IF – 3.058)
- T. Górecki, M. Łuczak (2014). First and second derivative in time series classification using DTW. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation 43(9):2081-2092. (2013: IF – 0.288)
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko, Ł. Waszak (2014). Functional Discriminant Coordinates. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods 43(5):1013-1025. (2013: IF – 0.289)
- M. Krzyśko, A. Derejko, T. Górecki, E. Gacek (2013). Principal component analysis for functional data on grain yield of winter wheat cultivars. Biometrical Letters 50(2):81-94.
- T. Górecki, E. Łaźniewska (2013). Funkcjonalna analiza składowych głównych PKB. Wiadomości Statystyczne 4:23-34.
- T. Górecki, M. Łuczak (2013). Linear discriminant analysis with a generalization of the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 23(2):463-471. (2012: IF – 1.008)
- T. Górecki (2013). Sequential correction of linear classifiers. Journal of Applied Statistics 40(4):763-776. (2012: IF – 0.449)
- T. Górecki, M. Łuczak (2013). Using derivatives in time series classification. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 26(2):310-331. (2012: IF – 2.877)
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko (2012). A kernel version of functional principal components analysis. Statistics in Transition 13(3):559-568.
- E. Łaźniewska, T. Górecki (2012). Regional specialization and concentration in Poland in the period 1996-2008 on the basis of GVA. In: Statistical methods in analyses of economic phenomena under integration and globalization (eds. P. Cmala, K. Kruszyński), Zakład Wydawnictw Statystycznych 139-155.
- M. Narożny, T. Górecki, K. Eitner, W. Urbaniak, S. Lipiecka, K. Szeflińska (2012). Measurements of PM10 and PM2.5 particle concentrations in Poznań, Poland. In: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia (eds. J. Markoš) 298-310.
- E. Łaźniewska, T. Górecki, R. Chmielewski (2012). Problemy metodologiczne budowy wskaźników i indeksów konkurencyjności. In: Konkurencyjność regionalna (eds. E. Łaźniewska, M. Gorynia) Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 72-88.
- E. Łaźniewska, T. Górecki (2012). Analiza konwergencji podregionów za pomocą łańcuchów Markowa. Wiadomości Statystyczne 5:1-10.
- T. Górecki (2012). Two parametrical derivative dynamic time warping. In: Data analysis methods and its applications (eds. J. Pociecha, R. Decker) C.H. Beck 31-40.
- T. Górecki, M. Krzyśko (2012). Functional Principal Components Analysis. In: Data analysis methods and its applications (eds. J. Pociecha, R. Decker) C.H. Beck 71-87.
- T. Górecki, M. Łuczak (2010). Some methods of constructing kernels in statistical learning. Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics 30(2):179-201.
- T. Górecki, M. Łuczak (2010). Some methods of replacing the nearest neighbor method. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 39:262-276. (2009: IF – 0.383)
- E. Sikorska, T. Górecki, I. Khmelinskii, M. Sikorski (2009). Evaluation of beer aging using its autofluorescence. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 848:299-306.
- J. Chmielewski, T. Górecki, M. Sikorski, E. Sikorska (2009), Zastosowania elektronicznego nosa w badaniach procesu starzenia piw. In: Chemometria w nauce i praktyce, red. D. Zuba, A. Parczewski, Wydawnictwo Instytutu Ekspertyz Sądowych 137-144.
- E. Łaźniewska, T. Górecki (2008). Rozwój gospodarczy polskich regionów na podstawie analizy shift-share w latach 1999-2004. In: Spójność czy konkurencyjność-dylemat polityki Unii Europejskiej, M. Klamut (red.), Prace Naukowe nr 19 Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu 187-197.
- E. Łaźniewska, T. Górecki (2008). Analiza sektorowej specjalizacji struktury regionalnej produkcji w Polsce w oparciu o zatrudnienie. In: Problemy współpracy gospodarczej w regionie bałtyckim w kontekście integracji europejskiej, A. Ignasiak-Szulc, W. Kosiedowski (red.), Towarzystwo Naukowe Organizacji i Kierownictwa, Toruń 167-176.
- E. Łaźniewska, T. Górecki (2008). Identyfikacja i analiza procesów koncentracji i specjalizacji oraz polaryzacji rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego w układzie regionalnym Polski w latach 1999-2005 w przekroju jednostek NUTS-2 ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem pogranicza zachodniego Polski. In: Gospodarka lokalna i regionalna w teorii i praktyce, R. Brol (red.), Prace Naukowe nr 3 (1203) Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu 177-189.
- J. Chmielewski, E. Sikorska, T. Górecki, I. Khmelinskii, M. Sikorski (2007). Evaluation of beer aging using an elecronic nose. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 57(4):91-93.
- J. Chmielewski, E. Sikorska, T. Gorecki, I. V. Khmelinskii and M. Sikorski (2007). Flavour analysis of edible oils by a sensor-array electronic nose. In: Current Trends in Commodity Science, II, (eds. R. Zielinski and D. Wieczorek), The Poznan University of Economics Publishing House, Poznan 765-770.
- E. Sikorska, J. Chmielewski, T. Górecki, I. Khmelinskii, M. Sikorski, and D. De Keukeleire (2007). Discrimination of beer flavours by analysis of volatiles using the mass spectrometer as an electronic nose. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 113(1):110-116. (2006: IF – 1.012)
- E. Nowińska-Łaźniewska, T. Górecki (2006). Shifts in the regional development in Poland in the transformation period 1990-2001. Prace Naukowe XII/2006, ACC Journal 138-145.
- E. Nowińska-Łaźniewska, T. Górecki (2006). Regional development assessment methods on the basis of Michalski?s taxonomic method. Prace Naukowe XII/2006, ACC Journal 129-137.
- E. Nowińska-Łaźniewska, T. Górecki (2006). Procesy konwergencji i dywergencji-prezentacja wybranych modeli wykorzystywanych w analizach regionalnych. Prace Naukowe nr 1099 AE Wrocław. Spójność społeczna, gospodarcza i terytorialna w polityce UE 293-302.
- E. Sikorska, J. Chmielewski, T. Górecki, I. Khmelinskii, M. Insińska, Rak, E. Dulewicz, and M. Sikorski (2006). Comparison of fluorescence spectroscopy and headspace mass spectrometry electronic nose used to analyze changes in beer during storage. In: Proceedings of the 15th IGWT Symposium, Global safety of commodity and environment. Quality of life, Volume I, Kyiv, Ukraine 519-524.
- E. Sikorska, T. Górecki, I. V. Khmelinskii, M. Sikorski, D. Keukeleire (2006). Monitoring beer during storage by fluorescence spectroscopy. Food Chemistry 96(4):632-639. (2005: IF – 2.433)
- E. Nowińska-Łaźniewska, T. Górecki (2005). Metody badań przestrzenno-ekonomicznych w ujęciu dynamicznym i ich zastosowanie w regionalistyce. Wizualizacja zjawisk. Studia Regionalne i Lokalne 2(20):91-101.
- J. Chmielewski, E. Sikorska, T. Górecki, I. Khmelinskii, G. Nowacka, M. Sikorski and J. Kozioł (2005). Discrimination of beer flavours by headspace mass spectrometer artificial nose. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Commodity Science Conference (IGWT), Current trends in commodity science, Volume II, Poznań, Poland 955-960.
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- T. Górecki (2005). Stacked regression with restrictions. Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics 25(1):103-113.
- E. Sikorska, T. Górecki, Igor V. Khmelinskii, M. Sikorski, J. Kozioł (2005). Classification of edible oils using synchronous scanning fluorescence spectroscopy. Food Chemistry 89(2):217-225. (2004: IF – 1.811)
- E. Sikorska, T. Górecki, I. V. Khmelinskii, M. Sikorski, D. Keukeleire (2004). Fluorescence spectroscopy for characterization and differentiation of beers. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 110(4):267-275. (2003: IF – 0.536)
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- E. Nowińska-Łaźniewska, T. Górecki (2004). Możliwości wizualizacji danych wielowymiarowych. Wiadomości statystyczne 12:63-71.
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C. Prace popularnonaukowe
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